A lite utilities library
UtiLite is a simple library to create small cross-platform applications using threads, events-based communication and a powerful logger. The first three sections show the core classes of the library, then last sections show some useful functions added through time.
UtiLite provides a utility application called uResourceGenerator to generate resources to include in an executable. For example:
$ ./uresourcegenerator DatabaseSchema.sql
This will generate a HEX file "DatabaseSchema_sql.h" which can be included in source files. Data of the file is global and can be accessed by the generated const char * DATABASESCHEMA_SQL.
#include "DatabaseSchema_sql.h" ... std::string hex = DATABASESCHEMA_SQL; // Assuming there are only ASCII characters, we can directly convert to a string: std::string schema = uHex2Str(hex); // For binary data: std::vector<char> bytes = uHex2Bytes(hex);
A generated FindUtiLite.cmake is also provided for easy linking with the library.
The ULogger can be used anywhere in the application to log messages (formated like a printf). The logger can be set (ULogger::setType()) to print in a file or in the console (with colors depending on the severity). Convenient macros are given, working like a printf(), as UDEBUG(), UINFO(), UWARN(), UERROR(), UFATAL(), UASSERT(). Small example:
This will print: [Severity] (Time) File:Line:Function() "The message"
[ INFO] (2010-09-25 18:08:20) main.cpp:18::main() A simple message with number 42 [DEBUG] (2010-09-25 18:08:20) main.cpp:18::main() A debug message
The events-based communication framework helps to communicate between objects/threads. The UEventsManager is a singleton with which we can post events anywhere in the application by calling UEventsManager::post(). All UEventsHandler will then receive the event with their protected function UEventsHandler::handleEvent(). Handlers are added to UEventsManager by calling UEventsManager::addHandler(). The UEvent provides an abstract class to implement any event implementations. The only requirement is that the event must implements UEvent::getClassName() to know the event's type.
... MyHandler handler; // MyHandler is an implementation of UEventsHandler UEventsManager::addHandler(&handler); UEventsManager::post(new MyEvent()); // MyEvent is an implementation of UEvent // The UEventsHandler::handleEvent() of "handler" will then be called by the UEventsManager's events dispatching thread. ...
Look at the full example in page of UEventsHandler on how communication works with threads (UThread).
The multi-threading framework use a UThread as an abstract class to implement a thread in object-style. Reimplement UThread::mainLoop() then call UThread::start() to start the main loop of the thread. Threads can be joined by calling UThread::join() and killed by calling UThread::kill(). Classes UMutex and USemaphore provide blocking mechanisms to protect data between threads.
... MyThread t; // MyThread is an implementation of UThread t.start(); t.join(); // Wait the thread to finish ...
A useful class to compute processing time:
For files and directories manipulations :
The library provides some simple wrappers of the STL like:
A library of basic array manipulations:
A library of convenient functions to convert some data into another like:
This class can be used to get the process memory usage: UProcessInfo::getMemoryUsage().
If Qt is found on the system, the UtiLite Qt library (libutilite_qt.so, libutilite_qt.dll) with useful widgets is built. Use class UPlot to create a plot like MATLAB, and incrementally add new values like a scope. USpectrogram is used to show audio frequency frames.
If FMOD is found on the system, the UtiLite audio library is built (libutilite_audio.so, libutilite_audio.dll). It is a wrapper of FMOD methods with a convenient interface to extract audio frames.
If OpenCV is found on the system, the UtiLite cv library is built (libutilite_cv.so, libutilite_cv.dll). It provides image capture classes used to read from a webcam, a video file or a directory of images. If UtiLite is also built with Qt, a convenient function uCvMat2QImage() can be used to convert a cv::Mat image to a QImage.